Browsing by Author "Artuğ, Tuğrul"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Automatic Analysis of CMAP Scan Data on Healthy Controls and Motor Neuron Patients
Artuğ, Tuğrul; Akarsu, Emel Oğuz; Şirin, Nermin Görkem; Erbaş, Bahar; Baslo, Mehmet Barış; Oge, Ali Emre (IEEE, 2018)In this study, motor response recordings were acquired from thenar and hypothenar muscles of poliomyelitis survivors, ALS patients and healthy participants by using CMAP Scan method. CMAP Scan curve was plotted by using ... -
Classification of Neuromuscular Diseases in Neuromuscular Junction and Tendon Recordings with Needle EMG by Using Welch's Method
Artuğ, Tuğrul; Osman, Onur; Göker, İmran; Baslo, Barış (IEEE, 2017)In this study, the power spectral density of simulated data which contain neuromuscular diseases and normal motor unit (i.e. control group) scenarios was calculated using Welch's method. Furthermore, the effect of Welch's ... -
Classification of Neuromuscular Junction and Tendon Recordings of Neuromuscular Diseases by Their Spectrogram
Artuğ, Tuğrul; Göker, İmran; Osman, Onur; Baslo, Barış (IEEE, 2017)In this study, the effect of spectrograms from neuromuscular junction and tendon records for normal, neurogenic and myopathic motor units being constructed via EMG Simulator v3.6 on the differential diagnosis were investigated. ... -
Compound muscle action potential scan and MScanFit motor unit number estimation during Wallerian degeneration after nerve transections
Kesim Şahin, Özlem; Şirin, Nermin Görkem; Erbaş, Bahar; Artuğ, Tuğrul; Oğuz Akarsu, Emel; Kocasoy Orhan, Elif; Baslo, Mehmet Barış; Mammadova, Nermin; Emekli, Ufuk; Oge, Ali Emre (Wiley, 2020)Background Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) scan and MScanFit have been used to understand the consequences of denervation and reinnervation. This study aimed to monitor these parameters during Wallerian degeneration ... -
Determining Phase Duration of Scanning EMG Signals
Artuğ, Tuğrul; Osman, Onur; Göker, İmran; Baslo, Barış; Bolat, Bülent (IEEE, 2015)There are more than one motor unit activities recorded simultaneously during scanning EMG recordings. It is not possible to determine the phase duration correctly by inspecting only one sweep. The other motor unit activities, ... -
Gerçek Zamanlı Veri Takibinde Zamanın Modellenmesi
Yolal, Onur; Artuğ, Tuğrul (Osman Sağdıç, 2019)İnternete bağlanabilme yetisine sahip robotik cihazların, elektronik devrelerin ve bilgisayarların çalışmalarında ortak özellik zamana bağlılıktır. Veri aktarımının başladığı anda elektronik cihazlar ve sunucu arasında ... -
Jitter Ölçümünde Önemli Bir Gösterge: Ardışık Bloklar
Artuğ, Tuğrul; Baslo, Sezin Alpaydın; Baslo, Mehmet Barış (Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2021)Nöromüsküler hastalıklar sinirden kasa iletimi etkilerler. Eğer bir sinir uyartı eşik değerinden daha yüksek bir uyartı ile uyarılırsa aksiyon potansiyeli üretilir. Sinirden kasa doğru aksiyon potansiyelinin iletimi 0.5 ... -
Artuğ, Tuğrul (Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, 2021)Bu çalışmada miyasteni gravis hastalarından alınan kayıtlarda artan jitter ile karşılaşılan blokların davranışını gösteren bir algoritma geliştirilmiştir. Nöromüsküler kavşakta iletim sinir hücresinin aksonundan kas lifine ... -
A preliminary study for remote healthcare system: Activity classification for elder people with on body sensors
Koçak, Samet; Artuğ, Tuğrul; Tulum, Gökalp (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)Development of intelligent care system for elder people have been investigated in recent years. In this study, to detect emergency situations for elder people, activity classification was aimed using on body sensor data. ...