Browsing by Author "Emirler, Mümin Tolga"
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Cooperative adaptive cruise control implementation of team mekar at the grand cooperative driving challenge
Güvenç, Levent; Uygan, İsmail Meriç Can; Kahraman, Kerim; Karaahmetoğlu, Raif; Altay, İlker; Şentürk, Mutlu; Emirler, Mümin Tolga; Hartavi Karci, Ahu Ece; Güvenç, Bilin Aksun; Altuğ, Erdinç; Turan, Murat Can; Taş, Ömer Şahin; Eray, Bozkurt; Özgüner, Ümit; Redmill, Keith; Kurt, Arda; Efendioğlu, Barış (IEEE, 2012)This paper presents the cooperative adaptive cruise control implementation of Team Mekar at the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge (GCDC). The Team Mekar vehicle used a dSpace microautobox for access to the vehicle ...