Browsing by Author "Zontul, Metin"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
2D Vector Representation of Binomial Hierarchical Tree Items
Donmez, Ilknur; Karateke, Seda; Zontul, Metin (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022)Today Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms need to represent different kinds of input items in numeric or vector format. Some input data can easily be transformed to numeric or vector format but the structure of some ... -
Anomaly Detection Using Data Mining Methods in IT Systems: A Decision Support Application
Sönmez, Ferdi; Zontul, Metin; Kaynar, Oğuz; Tutar, Hayati (Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018)Although there are various studies on anomaly detection, effective and simple anomaly detection approaches are necessary as the inadequacy of appropriate ways for substantial network environments. In the existing analysis ... -
Application of artificial intelligence neural network modeling to predict the generation of domestic, commercial and construction wastes
Coşkuner, Gülnur; Jassim, Majeed S.; Zontul, Metin; Karateke, Seda (Sage, 2020)Reliable prediction of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation rates is a significant element of planning and implementation of sustainable solid waste management strategies. In this study, the multi-layer perceptron ... -
Comparative Performance Analysis of Support Vector Regression and Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Municipal Solid Waste Generation
Coşkuner, Gülnur; Jassim, Majeed S.; Zontul, Metin (Sage Publications Ltd, 2021)The evolution of machine learning (ML) algorithms provides researchers and engineers with state-of-the-art tools to dynamically model complex relationships. The design and operation of municipal solid waste (MSW) management ... -
Customer Segmentation Based on Self-Organizing Maps: A Case Study on Airline Passengers
Üstebey, Serpil; Yelmen, İlkay; Zontul, Metin (Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Fatma Kutlu Gündoğdu, 2020)Müşteri segmentasyonu, ortak özelliklere dayanan bir müşteri gruplama modelidir ve şirketlerin müşteri memnuniyeti ile doğrudan ilişkilidir. Müşteriyi daha iyi tanıyarak doğru müşteriye doğru yöntemlerle erişim sağlar. ... -
Drug sales prediction with ACF and PACF supported ARIMA method
Demir, Volkan; Zontul, Metin; Yelmen, Ilkay (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020)With the technology developing day by day, data collection and storage becomes easier. It is possible to find univariate time series data based on a certain time period in fields such as finance, energy, meteorology and ... -
Information retrieval using the reduced row echelon form of a term-document matrix
Paralı, Ufuk; Zontul, Metin; Ertuğrul, Duygu Çelik (Taiwan Academic Network Management Committee, 2019)It is getting more difficult to retrieve relevant information regarding the user input query due to the large amount of information in the web. Unlike the conventional information retrieval (IR) algorithms, this study ... -
A local-holistic graph-based descriptor for facial recognition
Cevik, Taner; Cevik, Nazife; Zontul, Metin (Springer, 2022)Face recognition remains critical and up-to-date due to its undeniable contribution to security. Many descriptors, the most vital figures used for face discrimination, have been proposed and continue to be done. This article ... -
Mevduat Bankalarının Karlılığının Yapay Sinir Ağları ile Tahmini: Bir Yazılım Modeli Tasarımı
Sönmez, Ferdi; Zontul, Metin; Bülbül, Şahamet (2015)Son yıllarda karlılık analizlerinde; esnek hesaplama (EH) teknikleri, doğrusal olmayan çok değişkenli veri yapısında başarılı uygulamalarından dolayı tercih edilmektedir. Ancak, EH kullanımında karşılaşılan birtakım ... -
A novel hybrid approach for sentiment classification of Turkish tweets for GSM operators
Yelmen, İlkay; Zontul, Metin; Kaynar, Oğuz; Sönmez, Ferdi (North Atlantic University Union, 2018)The increase in the amount of content shared on social media makes it difficult to extract meaningful information from scientific studies. Accordingly, in recent years, researchers have been working extensively on sentiment ... -
Wavelet-ANFIS hybrid model for MODIS NDVI prediction
Karateke, Seda; Zontul, Metin; Bozkurt, Nagihan E.; Aslan, Zafer (Spie-Soc Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2021)Urbanization at the expense of the natural environment has been increasing in Turkey in recent years. The toll it takes on the ecosystem has an adverse impact on local weather systems and natural resources. These rapid ...