Now showing items 1-10 of 107
Problemlerle akışkanlar mekaniği
(Hiperlink Yayınları, 2020)
İnsanoğlu, bilindiği üzere, milattan önce 5000 yıllarından başlayarak, su ile birlikte yaşamış, su potansiyeli ile gereksinimleri arasında, günün koşullarına göre, dengeleri sağlamağa çalışmış, bir yandan suyun faydalarını ...
Eski Anadolu Türkçesi: (Dil Bilgisi ve Metinler)
(Hiperlink Yayınları, 2020)
Gelişmiş bir dilin tarihi dönemlerinin olması kaçınılmaz bir haldir. Asırlarca güçlü bir nehir misali çağımıza kadar akıp gelen Türkçemizin, Türk Dili tarihçilerinin belirlediği muhtelif devreleri mevcuttur. Tarihi dönemler ...
Behavioral Portfolio Theory
(Springer, 2021)
The aim of this study is to explain behavioral portfolio theory in a theoretical way. The study starts with the definition of portfolio which is a financial asset that consists of various securities such as stocks and bonds ...
Big Data for Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development
(CRC Press, 2022)
The Big Data plays an essential factor in the wheel of Sustainable Development in the world’s economies so that the entrepreneur is an essential and important element in moving the wheel of economic growth for countries. ...
Application of artificial intelligence neural network modeling to predict the generation of domestic, commercial and construction wastes
(Sage, 2020)
Reliable prediction of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation rates is a significant element of planning and implementation of sustainable solid waste management strategies. In this study, the multi-layer perceptron ...
Probabilistic assessment for spectrally matched real ground motion records on distinct soil profiles by simulation of SDOF systems
(Techno-Press, 2021)
Selection of appropriate ground motion records for dynamic analysis has uttermost importance since it significantly affects structural responses which are used for seismic performance assessment of buildings. This study ...
Evaluation of Superconducting Features and Gap Coefficients for Electron-Phonon Couplings Properties of Mgb2 with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Addition
(Springer, 2022)
In this study, the samples are prepared by solid state reaction method at different weight ratios (0-4%). The characterization of materials produced is conducted with the aid of powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperatur ...
Fragility Based Evaluation of Different Code Based Assessment Approaches for The Performance Estimation of Existing Buildings
Seismic performance of existing buildings constructed before modern seismic design codes is one of the important problems of earthquake prone countries. Increasing life and economic losses after strong earthquakes shows ...
Comparative Performance Analysis of Support Vector Regression and Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Municipal Solid Waste Generation
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2021)
The evolution of machine learning (ML) algorithms provides researchers and engineers with state-of-the-art tools to dynamically model complex relationships. The design and operation of municipal solid waste (MSW) management ...
Oscillating Features in The Electromagnetic Structure of The Neutron
(Nature Research, 2021)
The complicated structure of the neutron cannot be calculated using first-principles calculations due to the large colour charge of quarks and the self-interaction of gluons. Its simplest structure observables are the ...