Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Magnetic Transitions in Two Novel Mixed-Valence Iron(Ii)–Iron(Iii) Metal Formate Frameworks : Two Sublattice Model
(Elsevier B.V., 2022)
We study the two-sublattice model in the mean field theory by expanding the Gibbs free energy in terms of the magnetizations M1 (Mup) and M2 (Mdown) with the quadratic coupling M12M22 (quadrupolar interactions) for the ...
Surrogate Based Design Optimization of Multi-Band Antenna
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021)
In this work, design optimization process of a multiband antenna via the use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based surrogate model and meta-heuristic optimizers is studied. For this mean firstly, by using Latin-Hyper ...
Data-Driven Surrogate-Assisted Optimization of Metamaterial-Based Filtenna Using Deep Learning
(MDPI, 2023)
In this work, a computationally efficient method based on data-driven surrogate models is proposed for the design optimization procedure of a Frequency Selective Surface (FSS)-based filtering antenna (Filtenna). A Filtenna ...
Design Optimization of Ultra-Wideband Vivaldi Antenna using Artificial Intelligence
(Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), 2022)
In this work, computationally efficient design optimization of frequency selective surface (FSS)-loaded ultra-wideband Vivaldi antenna via the use of data-driven surrogate model is studied. The proposed design methodology ...
Calculation of the T – X phase diagram of tetradecane + hexadecane and tetradecane + pentadecane under high pressure by the landau mean field theory
(Elsevier, 2022)
Landau phenomenological model is applied to two binary mixtures (tetradecane + hexadecane and tetradecane + pentadecane) to calculate T−x (temperature - composition) phase diagram under high pressure for their solid – ...
Thermodynamic study on the magnetic transition and structural phase transition in [(CH3)(2)NH2][Na0.5Fe0.5(HCOO)(3)] by using the Landau phenomenological model
(Amer Inst. Physics, 2020)
In this study, we apply the Landau phenomenological model to describe magnetic transition and structural phase transition in a metal formate framework (MOF) of the ferromagnetic [(CH3)(2)NH2][Na0:5Fe0:5(HCOO)(3)], namely, ...
3D EM data driven surrogate based design optimization of traveling wave antennas for beam scanning in X-band: an application example
(WINEF, 2022)
In this paper, design and optimization of a microstrip elliptic traveling wave antenna (TWA) are presented for the beam scanning in X-band as an application of 3D data driven surrogate based design optimization technique. ...
Calculation of Magnetization and Magnetic Susceptibility Close to Magnetic Phase Transitions in (CH3)(2)(NH2FeNiII)-Ni-III(HCOO)(6) and (CH3)(2)(NH2FeCuII)-Cu-III(HCOO)(6)
(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2020)
We study the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the magnetization (M) and the inverse susceptibility (chi(-1)) in the metal-organic frameworks, in particular, for (CH3)(2)(NH2FeNiII)-Ni-III(HCOO)(6) (DMFeNi) and ...
Surrogate-Based Design Optimization of Multi-Band Antenna
(Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), 2022)
In this work, design optimization process of a multi-band antenna via the use of artificial neural network (ANN) based surrogate model and meta-heuristic optimizers are studied. For this mean, first, by using Latin-Hyper ...
Gain Enhancement of a Traditional Horn Antenna using 3D Printed Square-Shaped Multi-layer Dielectric Lens for X-band Applications
(Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), 2021)
In this work, gain of a traditional horn antenna is enhanced up to 2.9 dB over X-band using 3D printed square-shaped multi-layer lens. For this purpose, firstly the multi-layer lenses are designed using Invasive Weed ...