Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Modelling of swelling by the fluorescence technique in kappa carrageenan gels
(American Institute of PhysicsAIP Conference Proceedings, 2011)
Kappa (-) carrageenan gels prepared with various carrageenan concentrations in pure water were completely dried and then swelled in water vapor. Steady state fluorescence measurements were performed using a spectrometer ...
Variation of the raman frequency of a soft mode with the pressure (20 oc) for the phase transitions in NH4F
The Raman frequency of a soft mode (238 cm-1) is analyzed as a function of pressure at 20 oC for NH4F using the experimental data from the literature. This analysis is performed for the pressure dependence of the Raman ...
Calculation of the C-P-C-V as a function of temperature close to the melting point in benzene
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
The temperature dependence of the C-P - C-V is calculated at constant pressures using the observed volume data from the literature for solid and liquid benzene near the melting point. Our calculated values are compared ...
Pippard relations for cubic gauche nitrogen
The Pippard relations (CP vs. ?P and ?P vs. ?T) are examined at various temperatures up to 1200 K at zero pressure (P = 0) for the cubic gauche nitrogen. The specific heat (CP) is related to the thermal expansion (?P) and ...
Calculation of the thermodynamic quantities from the Raman frequency shifts and the Pippard relations for the alpha, -alpha and alpha ' phases of oxygen
(Elsevier, 2018)
Thermodynamic quantities such as the isothermal compressibility, thermal expansion and the difference in the specific heat are calculated as a function of pressure (T=10 K) for the alpha,-alpha and alpha ' phases of oxygen ...
Molar volume calculated at various pressures and the Pippard relations close to the melting point in benzene
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)
The molar volume of solid and liquid benzene was calculated at various pressures (at constant temperatures), and the Pippard relations were examined close to the melting point in this organic molecule. The molar volume ...
Pressure dependence of the heat capacity near the melting point in benzene
(Elsevier Science, 2017)
The heat capacity C-p is calculated as a function of pressure at constant temperatures of 25, 40 and 51 degrees C for the solid and liquid phases of benzene near the melting point. For this calculation, the observed molar ...
Calculation of the soft-mode frequency for the alpha – beta transition in quartz
(Elsevier, 2016)
The ? – ß structural transition occurs in quartz at TC = 846 K. The frequency of the soft mode associated with the volume increase, decreases with increasing temperature as the transition temperature is approached. In this ...
Pippard relation close to the alpha - beta transition for quartz in granite
(American Institute of Physics, 2016)
In this study, we examine variation of the thermal expansion ?p with the isothermal compressibility KT at various temperatures (1 atm) close to the ?-ß transition in quartz using the experimental data from the literature. ...
Calculation of the Raman frequency shifts for the ? phase of solid oxygen
(Elsevier, 2017)
We calculate in this study the Raman frequencies of the two librons and one vibron at various pressures at constant temperatures of 10 K and also at the temperatures of 6 and 18 K by using the volume data from the literature ...