Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Attachment and depression: The mediating roles of personal life projects and emotional intelligence
(Springer, 2020)
Attachment patterns between parent and child have been shown to make a great contribution to individuals' well-being including positive mood and depressive symptoms. Even though the relationship between difficulties in ...
Relationship of the gap between experience and language with mental health in adolescence: the importance of emotion regulation
(Taylor & Francis, 2013)
Although past research has provided important information about the relationship between language use and mental health in the period of adolescence, the role of intervening variables in this association has been seriously ...
Linking metatraits of the big five to well-being and ill-being: do basic psychological needs matter?
(Springer, 2013)
There is considerable evidence that two higher order factors underlie the Big-Five dimensions and that these two factors provide a parsimonious taxonomy. However, not much empirical evidence has been documented as to the ...
The relationship between language use and depression: illuminating the importance of self-reflection, self-rumination, and the need for absolute truth
(Taylor & Francis, 2013)
The main aim of the present study was to provide additional knowledge about the mediatory processes through which language relates to depression. Although previous research gave clear evidence that language is closely ...