Fetal Length Calculation Utilizing Edge Detection Method on Raspberry Pi 3
Dere, G., & Ieee. (2017). Fetal Length Calculation Utilizing Edge Detection Method on Raspberry Pi 3. New York: Ieee.Abstract
Raspberry Pi solutions are made with ARM V6 architecture can be used like a computer. One of these studies is 'edge detection' which is also a feature of the image processing. Analysis of radiological images with edge detection can be done with microprocessor designs as in modern computers.In fetal biometry calculations, it is known that femur length (FL) is the most valid parameter used for fetal age and height measurement. This study is an example of processing with Raspberry Pi 3 using a display method US image and calculating by using image edge detection feature. Fetal length calculation is a method that has been used and developed for many years by means of the formulas developed for length calculation and measuring the femur length. In addition to the computerized applications of the method, fetal lenght calculation via US image was done with only one monitor and Raspberry Pi 3 model B device. Simplecv program is loaded on the Raspberry Pi 3 model B, using the installed Raspbian Jessie operating system. This loading is benefite from the edge detection feature of the program on ImageJ image processing program.