Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Colonic polyp classification using projection image and convolutional neural network
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019)
Nowadays, Computer-aided detection (CAD) systems are used to assist radiologists to detect colonic polyps. In this work, we aimed to develop convolutional neural network based classification system for automated detection ...
Automated Segmentation of the Injured Liver
(IEEE, 2015)
A new method is developed about segmentation in patients with liver trauma due to traffic accidents and military injuries. It is seemed that normal or liver surger cases are used in most of the studies in the literature. ...
Computed aided detection of traumatized kidneys in CT images
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017)
In this work, we developed a novel method to diagnose traumatized kidney in the presence of laceration, contusion and active bleeding due to abdominal trauma. Our CAD system performs 94,44% of sensitivity at 0.13 false ...
Automated segmentation of the injured spleen
(Springer, 2016)
Purpose: To develop a novel automated method for segmentation of the injured spleen using morphological properties following abdominal trauma. Average attenuation of a normal spleen in computed tomography (CT) does not ...
Assessment of ManSeg 2.6b application's accuracy [ManSeg 2.6b Uygulama Başarisinin De?erlendirilmesi]
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)
The present study aims to demonstrate a new fully/semi-automated segmentation tool, ManSeg 2.6b, for calculating the volume of the abdominal organs. In order to validate the accuracy, a phantom study was developed and the ...
Calculation of Renal, Cortex and Medulla Volumes using Semi Automated Method
(IEEE, 2018)
It is assume that renal volume with cortex and medulla volumes are related with recovery of the kidney after transplantation. In this study it is aim that a semi automated method is developed for renal volumes. Theise ...
Automated segmentation of the injured kidney due to abdominal trauma
(Springer, 2020)
The objective of this study is to propose and validate a computer-aided segmentation system which performs the automated segmentation of injured kidney in the presence of contusion, peri-, intra-, sub-capsular hematoma, ...
Fully Automated Segmentation of Renal, Cortex and Medulla
(IEEE, 2018)
It is assume that volumes of cortex and medulla are related with recovery of the kidney after transplantation. In this work, a fully automated segmentation and volume calculation method is proposed for determining renal ...
Bilgisayarlı tomografi görüntülerinde ince bağırsağın otomatik olarak bölütlenmesi
(IEEE, 2016)
Bilgisayar destekli tanı sistemleri (CAD) son yıllarda sayısal görüntü işleme yöntemlerini kullanarak radyolojik görüntülerin işlenmesini sağlayan ve tanı süresini kısaltmayı amaçlayan akıllı sistemlerin tümüdür. CAD ...