Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Variation of the molar volume with the temperature and the Pippard relations near the melting point in benzene
(Elsevier, 2016)
In this study, we calculate variation of the molar volume with the temperature at constant pressures (70.5, 85.2, 128 and 175.2 MPa) using the experimental data from the literature for the solid and liquid phases of benzene ...
Analysis of vibrational spectra in relation to the thermodynamic quantities close to the phase transitions in ammonium halides (NH4F and NH4I)
(Elsevier, 2017)
The pressure dependences of the vibrational frequencies of the TO and L modes are analyzed from the literature data and the thermodynamic quantities such as isothermal compressibility K gamma, thermal expansion alpha p and ...
Calculation of the thermodynamic quantities of perovskite metal organics DMAKCr and perovskite HyFe close to the weakly first-order relaxor-like structural transformation using the mean field theory
(World Scientific Pub., 2019-04-30)
Weakly first-order or nearly second-order phase transitions occurring in metal{organic frameworks (MOFs), particularly in DMAKCr and perovskite HyFe, are studied under the mean field model by using the observed data from ...
Calculation of the T-X phase diagram and the thermodynamic quantities for the binary mixtures of Tetradecane plus Hexadecane using the Landau mean field model
The Landau model is used to calculate the T - X phase diagram and the temperature dependence of the thermodynamic quantities near the phase transitions in the binary mixtures of tetradecane + hexadecane. The phase line ...
Calculation of phase diagram and the thermodynamic quantities by the Landau mean field model close to the solid - liquid and solid - solid transitions in n-paraffins
We calculate the phase diagrams and predict the temperature dependence of the thermodynamic quantities at high pressures for the solid - liquid and solid - solid transitions in n-paraffins. This calculation is performed ...