Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Measurement of the Born cross sections for e(+)e(-) -> D-s(+) D-s1 (2460)(-) +c.c. and e(+) e(-) -> D-s*(+) D-s1 (2460)(-)( )+ c.c.
(Amer Physical Soc., 2020)
The processes e(+)e(-) -> D-s(+) D-s1 (2460)(-) + c.c. and e(+) e(-) -> D-s*(+) D-s1 (2460)(-)+ c.c. are studied for the first time using data samples collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider. The Born ...
Partial wave analysis of psi(3686) -> K+ K- eta
(Amer Physical Soc., 2020)
Using a sample of (448.1 +/- 2.9) x 10(6) psi(3686) events collected with the BESIII detector, we perform the first partial wave analysis of psi(3686) -> K+K- eta. In addition to the well established states, phi(1020), ...