Browsing Psikoloji Bölümü Makale Koleksiyonu by Department "İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji Bölümü"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Case-based surveillance study in judicial districts in Turkey: Child sexual abuse sample from four provinces
(Wiley, 2018-11)Child sexual abuse is a universal public health problem. Although studies have reported that 11% to 37% of children have been sexually abused in Turkey, no accurate information is available. Thus, this study aims to ... -
Comparison of characteristics of judicial child abuse cases directed to hospitals and child abuse cases detected by health care professionals
(Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastalıkları Ve Cerrahisi, Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2018)Objective: Cases of unrevealed child abuse and neglect (CAN) further traumatize the child, delay both the initiation of judicial process, and providing the necessary help these children need. In addition to this, without ... -
Comparison of Cognitive Impairment between Patients having Epilepsy and Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures
(AVES, 2015)Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate cognitive impairment in patients having epilepsy or psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNESs) using selected neuropsychological tests at different time periods related ... -
Cross-cultural adaptation of the intuitive eating scale-2: psychometric evaluation in a sample in Turkey
(Springer New York LLC, 2018)Intuitive eating is the ability to eat in response to physiological hunger and satiety cues rather than to external or emotional cues. The purpose of this research was to adapt the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 (IES-2; Tylka ... -
Dynamic formulation of antisocial personality disorder: a case study
(Cumhuriyet Univ. Tıp Fak. Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı, 2019-04)Individuals with antisocial personality disorder display behaviors that do not fit the social norms or criminal behavior such as deceitfulness, running away from home or school, theft, violence or substance abuse. They do ... -
Effects of childhood trauma and clinical features on determining quality of life in patients with bipolar i disorder
(Elsevier, 2014)Background: We explored how childhood trauma (CHT) affects the clinical expression of disorder and quality of life in patients with bipolar I (BP-I) disorder. Methods Euthymic patients (n=116) who subsequently received a ... -
Epileptik ve Psikojen Nonepileptik Nöbet Geçiren Hastalarda Kognitif Etkilenmenin Karşılaştırılması
(2015)Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı hem epilepsi hastalarında, hem de psikojen nonepileptik nöbet (PNEN) geçiren hastalarda nöbet öncesi ve nöbet sonrası erken dönemde yapılan nöropsikolojik testlerle kognitif etkilenmeyi ... -
The expression of anger amongst Turkish taxi drivers
(Elsevier, 2013)CFA supported the original four factors, which all had good internal reliability.•Licence tenure was negatively related to the three types of aggressive expression.•The aggressive types of expression were related to crash ... -
Feeling special, feeling happy: Authenticity mediates the relationship between sense of uniqueness and happiness
(Springer New York LLC, 2020)Uniqueness is a fundamental aspect of individual identity, yet commonly used conceptualizations of uniqueness are based on the contrast between an individual and other people, an understanding that is not congruent with ... -
Fiziksel tespitteyken kendi gözünü çıkaran bir olgunun sunulması
(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2014)Self-enuclation is a rare but tragic consequence of a severe mental disorder and it is strongly associated with the symptoms of religious delusions, pathological guilt, auditory hallucinations and delusions specifically ... -
Habit reversal training and educational group treatments for children with tourette syndrome: A preliminary randomised controlled trial
(Elsevier, 2016)Quality of life of children with Tourette Syndrome (TS) is impacted greatly by its symptoms and their social consequences. Habit Reversal Training (HRT) is effective but has not, until now, been empirically evaluated in ... -
An integrative perspective on the interplay between early maladaptive schemas and mental health: The role of self-compassion and emotion regulation
(Wiley, 2019-06)Objectives We aimed to test whether negative emotion regulation difficulties and self-compassion mediate the relationship between early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) and symptoms of psychopathology and life satisfaction. ... -
Kadın ve Erkeklerde Olumsuz Değerlendirilme Korkusunun Belirlenmesinde Algılanan Ebeveyn Tutumları ve Benlik Saygısının Rolü
(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2019)The findings in recent literature indicate that fear of negative evaluation is related to many disorders such as body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders and social anxiety. Therefore, determining the factors that affect ... -
Lateralization of Neurobiological Response in Adolescents with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Related to Severe Childhood Sexual Abuse: the Tri-Modal Reaction (T-MR) Model of Protection
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)This study inquires into neurobiological response to stress and its clinical correlates among adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of cerebral anatomy ... -
Mediational role of rumination and reflection on irrational beliefs and distress
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)Background: The cognitive restructuring of maladaptive beliefs within many cognitive behavioural psychotherapies typically encourages the client to undertake self-reflection. However, whilst self-consciousness can aid ... -
N1-P2: Neural markers of temporal expectation and response discrimination in interval timing
(NENCKI INST EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY, 2019)Humans use temporal regularities in their daily life to act in accordance with future events in the most efficient way. To achieve this, humans build temporal expectations and determine a template action that is in line ... -
A Neural Marker of the Start-Gun in Interval Timing: Onset N1P2
(AMER PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOC, 2019)Although the neural markers of interval timing have been widely studied, the events that determine the onset and offset of an interval have only recently started to gain attention. In the present study, I compare the ... -
Ontological Wellbeing of University Students: A Cluster-Analysis Approach
(Hacettepe Univ., 2018-07)This study is focused on the relationship between purpose in life, emotional wellbeing, ontological (life project) wellbeing, and compassionate love. The Purpose in Life subscale of Psychological Well-Being Scale, Emotional ... -
Öz-anlayış, yaşam doyumu, negatif ve pozitif duygu: türk ve diğer ülke üniversite öğrencileri arasında bir karşılaştırma
(Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, 2012)Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye ve bazı ülke (İngiltere, Fransa, Polonya, Romanya, İtalya, Brezilya, İspanya, Ukrayna) üniversite öğrencilerinin öz anlayış, yaşam doyumu, negatif ve pozitif duygu özelliklerinin karşılaştı ... -
Parental attachment and adolescents' perception of school alienation: the mediation role of self-esteem and adjustment
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)The present study examined the relationship between adolescents' attachment to parents and their feelings of alienation in the school context by considering the mediating role of adjustment and self-esteem. It was proposed ...