Browsing Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü Bildiri & Sunum Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 19-38 of 72
Design and Implementation of Brain Computer Interface Based on Wireless EEG Measurements: A Pilot Study
(IEEE, 2015)Brain computer interface (BCI), is a direct communication pathway between brain signals and an external device which often serves to support cognitive and emotional motor functions. The implementation and design of a human ... -
Detection of Injured Kidney in Computed Tomography
(IEEE, 2017)Timely and accurate diagnosis of intraabdominal organ injuries due to trauma is critical. Computer Assisted Detection (CAD) systems are rapidly developing techniques to segment the organs or to detect the pathologies in ... -
Determining MUAP Activity Corridor In Scanning EMG Recordings
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015)In scanning EMG recordings there are more than one motor unit activity which is recorded by concentric needle electrode. Especially for determining features of a motor unit action potential (MUAP) such as phase duration ... -
Determining Phase Duration of Scanning EMG Signals
(IEEE, 2015)There are more than one motor unit activities recorded simultaneously during scanning EMG recordings. It is not possible to determine the phase duration correctly by inspecting only one sweep. The other motor unit activities, ... -
Determining the Effect of Luminance on the EEG Measurement with STFT Method
(IEEE, 2015)The aim of this study is to observe the impact on the emotional evaluation of luminance, which is a perceptual feature of visual stimuli from electroencefelography (EEG) data recorded. EEG recordings obtained from 13 healthy ... -
Developing and Analyzing the Strategic Plan for Mado Company
(IATED-INT ASSOC TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION A& DEVELOPMENT, 2013)Turkey is a country where people's entrepreneurial characteristics are high; fifty thousand Turks in Germany established their own businesses. If there are still optimism about the Turkish Economy in spite of creeping ... -
Distributed Storage Capacity Modelling of EV Parking Lots
(IEEE, 2015)As the power grids have been evolved to be more smarter, distributed energy resources (DER) and Electric vehicles (EVs) provide a new and effective storage capacity during peak loading times. EVs are the new and upcoming ... -
Early prediction of sepsis from clinical data using artificial intelligence
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019)Sepsis is a major cause of death in the world. World Health Organization estimates 30 million people developing sepsis and 6 million people die from sepsis each year; an estimated 4.2 million newborns and children are ... -
The Effect of F-response Parameters in ALS and Polio Patients
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020)In this study, 300 signal records were acquired in each session using surface electrode under submaximal stimulation. Data set were formed from 10 ALS and Polio patients with 10 normal individuals. The muscle group under ... -
Effect of the mindfulness attention awareness on impression management: evidence from employee at university
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016)In the industrial life, the terms of mindfulness and impression management, affecting indirectly the performance of individuals and businesses become prominent in literature. This study aims to determine the point of views ... -
An efficient variable neighbourhood search heuristic for the influential selection problem
(National Technical University of Athens, 2014)A online social network consists of individuals or entities which are tied by a certain type of interdependency such as collaboration, friendship or acquaintance. Due to the wide usage of internet, many companies actively ... -
Elektrik güç sistemlerinde mikro şebeke uygulamaları ve harmonik kaynak yer tespiti
(2013)Günümüzdeki ve gelecekteki akıllı şebekelerde, güç kalitesinin devamlılığı önem taşımaktadır. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ve yeni teknoloji cihazlarının kullanımı, akıllı şebekelerde güç kalitesinde azalmaya sebep ... -
Elektrikli araç otopark depolama kapasitesinin Monte-Carlo benzetimi ile belirlenmesi
(IEEE, 2016)Güç sistemleri bütün dünyada evrimleşmektedir. Şebekeler daha akıllı oldukça elektrikli araçlar ve dağıtık enerji kaynakları yeni depolama imkânı sağlamaktadır. Elektrikli araçlar gece saatlerinde şarj olarak yenilenebilir ... -
Environmental Awareness of the Youth: Research Findings
(STEF92 TECHNOLOGY LTD, 2014)This research aims at clarifying the relation between students' personality types and their environmental awareness. Study was conducted on the departments of engineering students (N=137) at Istanbul Arel University. ... -
Feature Extraction and Classification of Neuromuscular Diseases Using Scanning EMG
(IEEE, 2014)In this study a new dataset are prepared for neuromuscular diseases using scanning EMG method and four new features are extracted. These features are maximum amplitude, phase duration at the maximum amplitude, maximum ... -
High school students' perceptions related to higher education
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016)In Turkey there are two types of universities at Turkish higher education system. One type is a state university in which students do not have to pay tuition fee during their education. The second one is so called foundation ... -
Impact of Car Arrival/Departure Patterns on EV Parking Lot Energy Storage Capacity
(IEEE, 2016)Development and implementation of electrified transportation systems, particularly those that integrate with renewable-based vehicle charging systems are supposed to continue attracting the interest of the researchers in ... -
Impact of EV Parking Lot on Distribution System Reliability
(IEEE, 2018)Due to the aggregating feature of the parking lot, it can be served as a distributed energy resource (DER) for distribution grid. This study presents the impact of electric vehicle parking lot (EV PL) on distribution system ... -
The Impact of organizational communication on organizational citizenship behavior: research findings
(Elsevier, 2014)In this research the relationship between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior is examined. To this end, correlation and mean and standart values have been done to reveal the effects of ...