Browsing Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi by Title
Now showing items 144-163 of 430
Factor structure of the subjective well-being under Neuroleptics in schizophrenics outpatients: Five factors or only one?
(Elsevier, 2014)Backround and aim: The Subjective Well-Being under Neuroleptics Scale, short form (SWNS), is a self-report measure that evaluates the states of well-being of schizophrenia patients using antipsychotic drugs independently ... -
Fairy Tales, Inequalities, and "Esit Masallar"
(V, 2022)Despite not being able to make any singleagreed-upon definition, the tale can be described by highlighting some of its features or drawing the boundaries of the genre. Different classifications are made according to the ... -
Feeling special, feeling happy: Authenticity mediates the relationship between sense of uniqueness and happiness
(Springer New York LLC, 2020)Uniqueness is a fundamental aspect of individual identity, yet commonly used conceptualizations of uniqueness are based on the contrast between an individual and other people, an understanding that is not congruent with ... -
(Işıl BAYAR BRAVO/Hamdi BRAVO, 2019)Felsefi Danışmanlık, 1981 yılında Almanya’da Gerd Achenbach tarafından başlatıldı. Çok geçmeden de Almanya, Fransa, Hollanda, İngiltere ve Amerika’da eski bir geleneğin yeni versiyonu olan bir felsefe yapma tarzı ve ... -
Five factor personality traits as predictor of trait anger and anger expression
(Kaligrafi Yayıncılık, 2012)The purpose of present research study is to determine if five factor personality traits significantly predict trait anger and anger expression styles. A total number of 580 students (313 girls and 267 boys) participated ... -
Fiziksel tespitteyken kendi gözünü çıkaran bir olgunun sunulması
(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2014)Self-enuclation is a rare but tragic consequence of a severe mental disorder and it is strongly associated with the symptoms of religious delusions, pathological guilt, auditory hallucinations and delusions specifically ... -
Framingham risk score but not framingham stroke risk profile is an independent predictor of impaired cognitive function among older people, free of cardiovascular disease
(Springer, 2012)Background: Vascular risk factors contribute to cognitive impairment, which may be the earlier manifestation of vascular brain injury. This study examined the relationship between 10-year risk for coronary heart disease ... -
Functional characterisation of the type 1 von Willebrand disease candidate VWF gene variants: p. M771I, p. L881R and p. P1413L
(SIMTI Servizi, 2017)Background. Abnormalities in the biosynthetic pathway or increased clearance of plasma von Willebrand factor (VWF) are likely to contribute to decreased plasma VWF levels in inherited type 1 von Willebrand disease (VWD). ... -
Functional Characterization of the Type 1 VWD Candidate VWF Gene Variants: P.M771I, p.L881R, p.P1413L, and p.Q1475X
Fuzûlî’nin Şiirdeki ‘Ben’liği
(2015)Fuzûlî, kendi 'ben'liğine şiirlerinde özellikle değinen, bu itibarla 'ben' zamirini çok kullanan bir divan şairidir. Fuzûlî'nin bu hususiyeti üzerinde yeterince durulmadığından yapılan bu çalışma ile Fuzûlî'nin şiirlerinde ... -
Gender(ed) Subjectivity and Legitimacy in “Translation”: The Case of the Old Turkish Civil Code of 1926
(Yakup YILMAZ, 2018)Bu makalenin amacı, 1907 tarihli İsviçre Medeni Kanunu’nun çevrilmesi yoluyla yapılan ve 76 yıl yürürlükte kalmış olan 1926 tarihli Eski Türk Medeni Kanunu’nun “nesebi sahih çocuklar” ile ilgili maddelerinin çevirisini ... -
Gene therapy in haemophilia: literature review and regional perspectives for Turkey
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2022)Haemophilia is an X-linked lifelong congenital bleeding disorder that is caused by insufficient levels of factor VIII (FVIII; haemophilia A) or factor IX (FIX; haemophilia B) and characterized by spontaneous and trauma-related ... -
Genel bilim metodu yaklaşımıyla bir kültür ve medeniyet teorisi
(İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi, 2014)Kültür ve medeniyet oluşturma, canlı türleri arasında insana özgü bir olgudur. Bu olgu, başka hiçbir canlı türünde bulunmayan sembol yaratma ve sembollerle zihin işlemi yapma kapasitesinin ürünüdür. İnsan, algıladıklarına ... -
General and mental health outcomes and healthcare utilization in refugees
(TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2023)Erişilememiştir. DOI numaras yoktur. -
Genes and molecular mechanisms involved in the epileptogenesis of idiopathic absence epilepsies
(Elsevier, 2012)Idiopathic absence epilepsies (IAE), that have high prevalence particularly among children and adolescents, are complex disorders mainly caused by genetic factors. Childhood absence epilepsy and juvenile absence epilepsy ...