Browsing Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü Bildiri & Sunum Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 34-53 of 72
Feature Extraction and Classification of Neuromuscular Diseases Using Scanning EMG
(IEEE, 2014)In this study a new dataset are prepared for neuromuscular diseases using scanning EMG method and four new features are extracted. These features are maximum amplitude, phase duration at the maximum amplitude, maximum ... -
High school students' perceptions related to higher education
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016)In Turkey there are two types of universities at Turkish higher education system. One type is a state university in which students do not have to pay tuition fee during their education. The second one is so called foundation ... -
Impact of Car Arrival/Departure Patterns on EV Parking Lot Energy Storage Capacity
(IEEE, 2016)Development and implementation of electrified transportation systems, particularly those that integrate with renewable-based vehicle charging systems are supposed to continue attracting the interest of the researchers in ... -
Impact of EV Parking Lot on Distribution System Reliability
(IEEE, 2018)Due to the aggregating feature of the parking lot, it can be served as a distributed energy resource (DER) for distribution grid. This study presents the impact of electric vehicle parking lot (EV PL) on distribution system ... -
The Impact of organizational communication on organizational citizenship behavior: research findings
(Elsevier, 2014)In this research the relationship between organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior is examined. To this end, correlation and mean and standart values have been done to reveal the effects of ... -
The Impact of pyschological empowerment and job involvement on occupational health and job safety in aviaton sector
(STEF92 Technology Ltd., 2016)Occupational health and job safety is a big issue and and puts many barriers in front of organization developments. Legislative regulations are not enough to minimize the hazard in the workplace. Unsafe work environment ... -
The Impact on the Classification Performance of the Combined Use of Different Classification Methods and Different Ensemble Algorithms in Chronic Kidney Disease Detection
(IEEE, 2016)The aim of this study is to compare the performance assessment results of the different classification methods and ensemble algorithms for the detection of chronic kidney disease. Six different basic classifier (naive ... -
Impacts of feeder failure statistics on EV-supported distribution system reliability improvement
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019)Electric vehicle parking lots (EVPLs) create new alternatives for planning and operation of distribution systems with its aggregated EV potential and charging/discharging coordination. On the other hand, distributed storage ... -
Inherent Biological Adaptive Control of Feedback Gain of Circadian Rhythms in a Mathematical Model Stabilization of the Sustained Oscillations in a mRNA-Protein Model
(IEEE, 2017)A mathematical model of cell-autonomous mammalian circadian clock is integrated into an adaptive control scheme. We analyze circadian clock rhythms with time delayed biophysically meaning parameter sets to generate ... -
Internet addiction research in the school of vocational studies: evidence from Turkey
(INT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SGEM, 2008)As a growing trend in the world, internet-based remote education both in governmental and private education institutes is getting popular in Turkey as it is to be all over the world. Internet-based education models give ... -
Investigation of Luminance Effect on the Emotional Assessment Using Hjorth Descriptors
(IEEE, 2015)The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of luminance level on the emotional evaluation from electroencephalography (EEG) records. EEG recordings obtained from 31 healty partipicants were used in this study. ... -
Investigation of Luminance Effect on the Emotional Assessment Using Principle Components Analysis Method
(IEEE, 2017)The purpose of the study is to observe the effect of the level of luminance on the emotional evaluation (positive, negative, neutral) in electroencephalography (EEG) records. EEG records of 31 healthy volunteers were used ... -
Investigation of the Effect of Fiber Diameter Variability via Recording from Tendon via of Single Fiber Electromyography
(IEEE, 2015)In this preliminary study, two muscle fibers which one of them had a constant fiber diameter and the other had a variable fiber diameter were created by using an EMG simulator. Single Muscle Fiber Action Potentials (SMFAPs) ... -
Investigation of the Effect of Luminance Level on Emotional Evaluation by P300 Waves Observed in EEG Records
(IEEE, 2017)In this study, the effect of the luminance level on the emotional evaluation was investigated using P300 waves observed in electroencephalography (EEG) records. EEG records of 31 helathy individuals were used in this study. ... -
Investigation The Effect of Luminance Level on the Emotional Assesment in EEG Recordings Using Wavelet Transform
(IEEE, 2016)The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of luminance level on the emotional evaluation from electroencefelography (EEG) data recorded. EEG recordings obtained from 13 healthy individuals were used in the study. ... -
İletim ağlarındaki tıkanıklığın güç akışı çözümleri ile saptanması
(2010)Transmission congestion has become a new challenge in an open-access environment of electric power systems. In today's world, electric transmission networks have been so much loaded that such a case has never been observed ... -
İletim hattı matris modeli ile mikrostrip hatların analizi
(2011)Elektronik cihazlarda kullanılan teknolojinin hızla ilerlemesi komplex yapıları çıkarmıştır ve komplex yapıların oldukça büyük alanlar kaplaması entegre devreleri ortaya çıkarmıştır. Entegre devrelerde elektromanyetik ... -
Karaciğer görüntülerinin geometrik dönüşüm yöntemleri kullanılarak benzerliklerinin değerlendirilmesi
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016)In this study, similarity rates of the liver images are determined using 3D geometric transformation methods and numerical comparisons are made. Three geometric transformation methods scaling, rotating, and translating are ... -
Mobil telefonların yaydığı elektromanyetik dalgaların E.coli’nin gelişimine etkisi
(2011)Bu çalışmada mobil telefonların yaydığı elektromanyetik dalgaların bakteri gelişimine etkisini tespit etmek amacıyla deneysel çalışma yapılmıştır. Deney kapsamında E. coli bakteri hücreleri kullanılmıştır. Deneyde kullanılan ... -
Mobile learning in medicine
(SPIE, 2013)This paper outlines the main infrastructure for implicating mobile learning in medicine and present a sample mobile learning application for medical learning within the framework of mobile learning systems. Mobile technology ...