Browsing İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 50
Analytical investigation of the measures to be taken against weak storey irregularities
(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Escuela de Construccion Civil, 2023)Due to the earthquakes that have occurred in recent years, heavy damage has occurred in many structures in the world. When the damages occurred after the earthquakes have been examined, it has been observed that the damage ... -
Assessment of Damages in Precast Industrial Buildings in the Aftermath of Pazarcık and Elbistan Earthquakes
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024)Two major earthquakes with moment magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.6 struck the districts of Pazarc & imath;k and Elbistan, causing thousands of deaths and severe damage. A lot of buildings located in 11 different cities were damaged ... -
Assessment of one story existing precast industrial buildings in Turkey based on fragility curves
(Springer, 2017)In this study, seismic assessment of one story precast industrial buildings that constitute majority of industrial facilities in Turkey was investigated by using probabilistic approach. For this purpose, 98 one story precast ... -
Assessment of Risks in Building Inspection Services During and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
(American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2022)The building industry has been deeply affected by the Covid-19 pandemic due to the cessation of many businesses and the changes in working methods. Building inspection is of great importance for ensuring safety and ... -
Assessment of uncertainties in damping reduction factors using ANN for acceleration velocity and displacement spectra
(Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2023)Elastic analysis is performed during the design process, and earthquake forces are computed according to standard damped spectral accelerations, which are assumed to be 5% at most. However, buildings are expected to behave ... -
Atıksu İnşaat ve Tesisat İhalelerinde Yüklenici Seçimine Alternatif Çözüm Önerisi
(TMMOB MAKİNA MÜHENDİSLERİ ODASI, 2020)Atıksu inşaat ve tesisat işlerinde genellikle kullanılan teklif birim fiyat ihale yöntemine göre; yükleniciler kendi strateji ve hedefleri doğrultusunda bazı pozlar için yüksek fiyat indirimleri teklif ederken bazı pozlar ... -
Atıksu Yapım ve Tesisat Projelerinde Yüklenicilerin Fiyat Teklif Stratejilerinin Birliktelik Kural Çıkarım Algoritması ile İncelenmesi: Türkiye Örneği
(TMMOB MAKİNA MÜHENDİSLERİ ODASI, 2019)Sabit birim fiyatlı sözleşmeler, inşaat projelerinde kullanılan en popüler proje teslim ve ihale yöntemlerinden biridir. Bu tür tekliflerde, istekli tüm yükleniciler birim fiyat kalemleri için teklif verirken farklı ... -
Barriers to BIM Implementation in the HVAC Industry
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)In recent times, the rise of urbanization, industrialization, population growth, food security, and the COVID-19 pandemic have led to an increased demand for indoor spaces with efficient air conditioning systems. As a ... -
Building information modelling roadmap strategy for Turkish construction sector
(ICE Publishing, 2019)Building information modelling (BIM) has shown itself as a leading factor in increasing the production and efficiency in the construction sector in many countries. The construction sector in Turkey has made considerable ... -
Comparative Cost Assessment of Cold Storage Plants and Natural Storage Structures for Potato
(Springer, 2020)The use of a cold storage plant for reducing perishable food losses is insufficient in developing and underdeveloped countries because of required infrastructure and investments. For this reason, many producers continue ... -
Correlation of earthquake intensity measures and spectral displacement demands in building type structures
(Elsevier Science, 2019)Seismic damage and its correlation with the earthquake intensity measures (IMs) are important for both record selection and probabilistic seismic risk assessment studies. A lot of studies considering the various structural ... -
The Derivation of Vertical Damping Reduction Factors for the Design and Analysis of Structures Using Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement Spectra
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)Damping reduction factors (DRFs) play a vital role in the seismic design of structures. DRFs have been widely studied due to their primary importance to the lateral resistance of structures subjected to earthquakes. On the ... -
Discussing Future Role of Social Media on Construction and Project Management through Evaluation of Students Attitudes
(Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi, 2020)It is an undeniable fact that information technologies have changed the classical business habits and brought different effects on various businesses in the last decade. Despite the slow progress of technological adaptation ... -
Earthquake damage assessment of 1-story precast industrial buildings using damage probability matrices
(Springer Netherlands, 2019)In this study, risk assessment of 1-story precast building is conducted in probabilistic manner by using damage probability matrices (DPMs). Peak ground velocity (PGV) is used as reference ground motion parameter to associate ... -
The effect of errors in structural system design on the structure damaged in 2023 Turkey earthquakes
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)On 6 February 2023, two large earthquakes of Mw 7.7 and 7.6 occurred in the Pazarcik and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaras province in Turkey, causing extensive structural damage, collapsed buildings and casualties. This ... -
Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on the Seismic Response of Existing Low and Mid-Rise RC Buildings
(MDPI, 2020)Reconnaissance studies performed after destructive earthquakes have shown that seismic performance of existing buildings, especially constructed on weak soils, is significantly low. This situation implies the negative ... -
Effect of tightening zone length of reinforced concrete beams on beam capacity
(Croatian Association of Civil Engineers, 2022)This study investigated seismic analysis of the behavior of reinforced concrete beams with various shear spans, stirrup shapes, and tightening zone lengths using the Seismostruct 2020 program. The load–displacement relations ... -
Effects of EDDS application on phytoextraction of cadmium, lead and zinc contaminated soil with Brassica napus
(Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 2018)Abstract: Cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) contaminations of soils are a serious worldwide problem that affects human health and environmental quality. Phytoremediation, use of green plants to remove, sequester ... -
Empirical Model for the Prediction of Ground Motion Duration on Soft Soils
(SPRINGER INDIA, 2023)In the civil engineering field, several attenuation relationships are proposed to estimate the ground motion duration (GMD) of earthquakes for hard and medium soil types, considering various seismic quantities. However, ... -
Evaluation of Supplementary Constraints on Dispersion of EDPs Using Real Ground Motion Record Sets
(Springer, 2020)Nonlinear dynamic analysis is the most advanced structural analysis method, and it has become very widespread method to determine structural responses for seismic design or assessment. On the other hand, structural responses ...