Measurement of the branching fraction for ?(3770) › ??c0
Kolcu, O. B., ... (2016).Measurement of the branching fraction for ?(3770) › ??c0. Physics Letters B. 753, 103-109.Özet
By analyzing a data set of 2.92fb-1 of e+e- collision data taken at s=3.773GeV and 106.41×106 ?(3686) decays taken at s=3.686GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, we measure the branching fraction and the partial decay width for ?(3770)›??c0 to be B(?(3770)›??c0)=(6.88±0.28±0.67)×10-3 and ?[?(3770)›??c0]=(187±8±19)keV, respectively. These are the most precise measurements to date.